Auburn Site Utilities Study, US General Services Administration, Northwest/Arctic Region
Auburn, Washington
Akana conducted a study of the GSA Auburn Site utilities, including water, sewer, stormwater, fire protection, electrical, natural gas, communications, and fuel storage and distribution. The project involved analysis of system condition and remaining useful life as well as cost estimating and prioritization of potential upgrades to the systems. The project was initiated with a Research and Investigation Phase, conducted on two fronts – drawings and reports provided by GSA and investigation of existing drawings and files by Akana engineers at the GSA Auburn complex. Results of the investigation were presented in a report and comprehensive CAD drawings showing location and type of site utilities, components, and subsystems. Based on the results, Akana provided analysis and recommendations for utilities in a strategic plan for improvements to potable water, electrical power, wastewater, stormwater runoff system, fire service and gas. Three options for utility upgrades and/or improvements to each system were analyzed and a preferred option recommended, along with an estimate of the cost to improve.