Mission Support Services, U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency
Akana provides closure support services to the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency (CMA) for all continental U.S. chemical weapons stockpile disposal sites. We have directed development of integrated project schedules and have developed funding profile models for estimating project closure costs to completion. We have also developed real property inventories for Anniston Chemical Arsenal, Pine Bluff Chemical Arsenal, and Deseret Chemical Depot, and have assisted with development of personal property plans. We have assisted with human resources planning, including assessments of current staffing and staffing capabilities; evaluation and development of mission drawdown plans; and development of human capital plans. Akana personnel are involved with numerous special studies and white papers related to programmatic closure standards and implementation, accounting for the regulatory framework and logistics issues at each CMA facility. All mission support efforts require close coordination with personnel at each depot and coordination with the representatives of the chemical agent disposal facilities.