Siletz Transportation On Call
Akana provided professional engineering services for road improvements under an open-ended Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity engineering contract in support of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians’ reservation transportation plan and Indian Reservation Roads system.
SR 229 Safety Projects – Improvements to SR 229 in downtown Siletz included curb and gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting to improve pedestrian safety. The project required close coordination with the Oregon Department of Transportation to meet a tight design schedule.
Molalla Ct. Extension – This project involved extending Molalla Ct. to provide access to a new tribal services treatment facility as well as head-in parking on one side and parallel parking on the other of the City street.
Gwee Shut Road Sidewalk Project – Design of a new ADA accessible sidewalk located in a high pedestrian access way (along Gwee Shut Road) included a pedestrian crossing and a pedestrian connection to the Tribal Health Clinic. This project was named 2016 Intermodal Project of the Year by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.